These wonderful people above, Leslie, Kathy, Sheryl, Pam and Andy have been part of the community that has raised Byron since he was three months old. Each one has made an indelible mark on Byron's life. Byron can walk, talk and interact with others, in large part because of the loving and one -pointed attention of each of these talented professionals.
This week is the last week Byron will see this Team, "Team Byron" as I have photoshopped in above. On January 4th he starts Elementary School with a new team, a new world, a new adventure. The woman on the right in the picture below is Diane Olden. She has coordinated all of Byron's care and looked after our family with so much care and love. She has ben with us from the beginning and we owe her our sanity and our deep gratitude. She is standing with Byron's new occupational therapist and his new speech therapist. Last week we went to Byron's new classroom to take a tour and they came to meet us. Byron's new teacher's name is Elizabeth Kuo and she seems very nice. She will be coming to visit Byron's home too, so she can see what he likes to do and what his environment is like. I think that is so cool.

Circle time in Byron's new classroom. Byron is sitting in the lap of his former Speech Therapist, Sheryl, who came for the school tour. Byron was quite overwhelmed by the tour and he started rubbing his eyes and acting pretty sleepy. Byron will be the youngest student in the whole school!

Byron will be receiving Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and be meeting with a Social Worker - each for two times per week. He will be a busy guy!
Byron has been hanging out at the new "Jumping Gym" at our local mall. It's a large store full of blown up jumping stuff. He loves it!
Byron and I have also been enjoying the company of our new neighbors Heather and her 22 month old son Eli. Here they are having a snack at Eli's house.
Byron got his first Barber Shop haircut at his Dad's Barber the other day. When I posted the picture below, I noticed that you could really see Byron's Exotropia (eye turning out). Just a side note, Byron's eye doctor wants to put off surgery to correct this until Byron is four, with the idea that it may correct itself. Bob and I want to get a second opinion on this, so Byron will be seeing a new eye doctor next week. We'll see....
We put up our tree today. Byron loves trains, so we found a train that will go around the tree! It is sooo coool! I think I love it more than Byron does.
Happy Holidays to everyone!!!!!