Saturday, December 21, 2024

High School and Beyond

Byron has had a remarkable year so far.  He has just completed the fall semester of his senior year with all As and one B.  His overall GPA is a 3.4.  It would be much higher but his first two years of High School were not as successful as the last two.  This was due, in part, to the return of seizures and a second brain surgery.  But now, with health challenges behind him, the sky is the limit!  In June of 2025 he will graduate from the Collaborative College High School (CCHS) in Hurlevyille, NY with a High School diploma and an Associates Degree from the State University of New York at Sullivan. 

He has already applied to colleges.  He wants to go to college in New York City and his first choice is Baruch University.  Second choice will be Hunter College.  He is hoping to major in Computer Science with a minor in Business.  

In 2014 we bought a Coop in Washington Heights.  He will live there when he goes to school.  Bob will live with him for a while as we are not confident that Byron is ready to live on his own just yet.  

Overall our family life this year was impacted by health challenges for both Bob and myself.  

First Denise - In February of this year, I woke up with overnight hearing loss in my right ear.  When I was speaking to a colleague on the phone that morning, her voice sounded like Micky Mouse.  I even accused her of using a fake voice!   Everything in that ear was distorted.  After many medical appointments and tests, we discovered that I had a benign tumor growing in my ear on the vestibular nerve.  This is called a Vestibular Schwannoma - also called Acoustic Neuroma (AN).  There are two options to treat tumors like these.   The first is full on brain surgery where the tumor is removed. The second is radiation most commonly known as Gamma Knife Radio Surgery.  This is a single procedure with a highly focused radiation beam.  Then, over time, the tumor slowly dies.  This "die off" can take up to 5 years to be complete.   This was the treatment I chose and had the Gamma Knife treatment in April of this year at NYU Langone Neurosurgery Center. 

Symptoms from an AN like mine, which was small but growing, can range from none at all to a person being unable to walk, a constant feeling of head spinning, dizziness nausea and severe headaches.  My symptoms were varied but in the mid-range.  Initially I had hearing loss and I developed severe tinnitus which has not abated to this day.  Six months after the Gama Knife treatment I developed a constant dizziness/wonkiness that made exercising, walking and doing much of anything on my feet challenging.  This is a common side effect of the radiation; as the tumor dies it irritates the surrounding nerves.  In July I developed Facial Palsy in the right side of my face where my face was frozen and unable to move on that side. By August I was not really able to drive as any quick movement of my head would cause me to get extremely dizzy.  Also in early August I fell outside while returning a local dog that had escaped from his lead.  The dog pulled hard and I landed on my right side with an excruciating thud.  On top of everything else, I now had a concussion which made the AN symptoms more pronounced.  

I am doing much better now.  I am driving, walking and I hope to start exercising again in the new year. The dizziness has mostly resolved.  I still have tinnitus and hearing loss and these will be permanent.  I likely will lose all hearing in my right ear.   

As for Bob, he has had chronic knee pain for some time.  In October Bob had his right knee replaced.   He is doing extraordinarily well.  After only two weeks he was up and walking and now he can walk, shovel snow and just about anything else he used to do. We are very please with his recovery.

And now we can circle back to all the good things in our lives.  We end the year full of gratitude for all of the blessings that enrich our lives.  In September we traveled to Rome to attend my dear brother's wedding.  I was well enough to officiate the ceremony alongside his new bride's wonderful sister.  It was a beautiful ceremony in the hills above Rome. We are so happy for Jeff and Alessia.  Bob and I celebrated our 20th anniversary in Rome the day after the wedding.

We enjoy seeing family and friends.  We delight in watching our magical granddaughter Charlotte grow up.

While 2024 had its share of challenges, we round out the year happier, healthier and looking forward to the next phase of our lives!