Friday, January 17, 2025

Surgery and Other Updates

Byron is off to his high resolution MRI.  He hasn't had any food or water all day so he is looking forward to a smoothy or a burger when he gets back.  He seems much better today.  Although this morning he said heartbreakingly, "Mom - I can't live like this."

It seems like the medicine that was so toxic for him last night is wearing off.  He is now on 3,000 mg of Keppra and 400 mg of Vimpat per day. These are high doses but they do seem to be making some improvement.  The idea of a new weekend medicine and the intubation  is now off the table.  These other meds seem to be starting to work. They are not getting rid of the subclinical seizures, the seizures that have no overt outward effect, but the outward seizures are less. 

Dr. Heldago has booked a surgery room for next Friday. Byron's case will be presented at their Neuro conference on Wednesday.  If the surgery needs to happen sooner she can do it, and even though we don't know yet what kind of surgery he will have, she wanted to be ready.  I really like her!


  1. Thank you for these updates Denise. May grace, love, and resilience be with you all as the team access and apply their expertise, wisdom and skills to assist Byron’s healing and recovery. 💜

  2. I just saw what you shared about Byron, having just read Gurumayi's messages on Time. His courage is amazing as is your dedication to his healing. You are all doing everything you can to invite Grace into your lives. Blessings for a good outcome. I'll be offering prayers tomorrow as I return home to Whidbey Island, WA on the ferry after a successful hip surgery for my wife. Jane Martin

  3. What grace that they are seeking the second and third opinions of a roundtable of experts. Such humility. What a remarkable team of specialists.
