Saturday, February 22, 2025

Home in NYC

About ten years ago, we decided we needed to have an apartment in New York City near a good hospital. In this way we had a place to stay whenever Byron was admitted.   The real estate market was still pretty soft so we got a good price on a one bedroom in Hudson Heights, just north of the GW Bridge.  It's really easy to get to from upstate and has been a wonderful place for us.  

The apartment is very near to Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital on 165th street, which is where Byron was being treated.  Now that the hospital is in the 30s on the East side it's a little more challenging for us.  But I was so grateful that we could just take an Uber home after being discharged yesterday.  Byron would have been very uncomfortable with a long car ride. 

Today, Byron is not having headaches per se, just lots of varying pressure depending on how he is sitting.  The doctors said that this new shunt might require small adjustments going forward.  He said "Expect two or three adjustments".   But he said that could be in the doctor’s office so that is good!

Bryon is on a very high flow setting right now.  The shunt before was not draining enough. This one is draining much more.   I hope we can hit that sweet spot where he has just the right amount of fluid draining. 

Byron this AM watching his favorite shows. 

1 comment:

  1. So great to see that wonderful smile. And the picture above Byron is so fitting, too. Covered with the wings of a dove.
