Saturday, February 8, 2025

Normal Day :)

It was nice to have a normal family Saturday.  Byron really wanted to see Paddington in Peru so we traveled to Middletown and had Indian food and then watched the movie.  (great movie BTW) 

Byron was ok in the car on the way down - chatty and happy.  We gave him his medication right after lunch and then watched the movie.  On the way home in the car he was suffering.  But when we got home he did not throw up which is progress.  He slept for about 90 minutes and then was ok again.  

I'm not clear why each time we drive home from any activity or appointment his body goes into disequilibrium. Maybe it's the motion of the car, maybe it's exhaustion - really no idea.  But today was better.  All in all it was a GOOD day all things considered.  


  1. Oh, Happy Day 🌷🙏🌷Shreya

  2. Sending so much love. 🙏🤗
    –Thomas B.

  3. Sending love to all of you and continuing to pray for Byron's wellbeing. Love, Bhanu M.

  4. May all your days be normal and most be extraordinary! And Byron's adventures could make a movie more astounding than Paddington's. :o)
