Today was low key. The EEG leads were removed and seizure meds stopped. This is all in preparation for the SPECT test. Google tells us :
A single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scan is a nuclear imaging test that helps identify the part of the brain that causes seizures. It's often used to diagnose and treat epilepsy.
How it works
-A radioactive substance is injected into the patient's vein.
-The substance travels to the brain, where it emits gamma rays.
-Cameras record the gamma rays to create a 3D image of the brain.
-The scan shows which areas of the brain are more active during a seizure.
They will take Byron off all meds today so the seizures can start up again. I think it will be a tough night. But then tomorrow someone will sit with him all day and push a button whenever he has a seizure. This will create a 3D image of wherever the seizure is coming from.
In other news, this fellow came by today. I understand he was quite charming.
Sending much love and a recitation of Shri Guru Gita now with prayers that the time before and during the test is far more easeful than imagined, that the results are clear and opint to a quick, once-and-for-all solution! May your mind and heart experience deep peace and joy despite whatever the body and brain are doing!