Byron is back in school and life slowly returns to "normal". He takes his large quantity of meds every day but other than that he seems completely fine.
He could not handle a full day at school or multiple courses at once, but the one hour per day three days a week seems to be ok for now. He is taking two college level courses and they are working him hard. But he is trying to keep up and the teachers and school admin have been wonderful.
Monday he goes back to NYC to see his surgeon for a follow up. Then in April he goes back in the hospital for about a week to see what is going on with the seizures. The seizures are controlled right now but his epilepsy doctor really wants to see where they are coming from in the brain. So they monitor him while weaning the meds and then when they see a seizure they record it on the SPECT machine.
This child....every mother of a child with a complex medical diagnosis says their kid is the bravest on earth. But mine really is :) He does not seem depressed or ill-affected by the last few weeks of constant medical attention and new issues.
And we have tons of great support. Family and friends have been truly wonderful. Byron's surgeon, Dr. Harter, called yesterday just to check in. The head of the NYC Hydrocephalus Association has called me twice just to chat. And, as always, I pray and meditate to keep myself nourished and refreshed.
So for now....dare I say it...all is good!
Byron’s meds and vitamins. The doctors have prescribed magnesium, CoQ10, and Riboflavin for the headaches. B6 is for mood changes from the Keppra.
P.S. I always forget there is a comment function on this blog. People say it is hard to comment so I don't always check. Thank you to all who have so beautifully commented. I have read them all and am so touched by your kind words and compassion. These gorgeous words from my nephew:
"Byron is a diamond: brilliant, multifaceted, unbreakable: forged from the stuff of life placed under the most intense pressure, and polished with years and years and years of loving care. Every time the sandpaper-rough hand of adversity took a pass at Byron, he has just come out burnished even brighter in the end. Even when cloven clean open, each cleave just allows his true form to emerge more clearly.
What a gem of a young gentleman.
What a precious family.
You shine like the stars."