Friday, September 18, 2009


It's hard to believe that there are still two more weeks left in this program.  Somehow I keep thinking we are on our last week.  Byron's cast will come off on Tuesday and then he is still in Therapy until the following Wednesday.  He has evaluations and retesting on Thursday the 1st of October and then we drive back to Ithaca.

Byron's favorite new thing to do is to flush the toilet with is left hand.  (not that he's using the toilet but when other people do) .  I'm amazed at how much strength and focus this must take and of course we encourage it because it is so good for him.

Here is a photo of the little boy that has the morning session.  He would not stop moving long enough for me to get a good picture but it's ok just the same.  His mother and aunt wait in those two blue chairs for most of the three hours.  They live near where we are staying in the town of Rockland.

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